Friday, August 22, 2014

Beauty is Only SkIN dEEp

How often do we look into the mirror? How often do we look at ourselves and wonder how we can look our best? How many selfies do we take to post on social media? We live in a world where most people can honestly say they are concerned about how they look and how the world perceives them.

You are BEAUTIFULLY and WONDERFULLY made! You were created on purpose for a purpose and your beauty is unique for the person that you are. Beauty has to start inside of you and once you know that, the inside will begin to reflect on the outside and then YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL truly!

We wear a coat of skin which will one day pass way. We can only do so much to preserve our youth, our looks, our beauty, and then the only thing that remains is the heart. Make sure you spend more time on the inside that you do on the outside, because beauty is only SKIN DEEP.

YOU ARE Beautiful,
xoxo Deanna

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